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6 bag IV blood bank game

  • 10 inches deep x 65 total height (that is with the 25” base that holds liquid and pump) and 20” long

    Painted white

    6 IV bags

    Comes with Pump, 24 levers (12 in and 12 out), clear lines for liquid, all connected and ready to go when liquid is poured in

    Plexi glass on one side to see IV bags and levers on the other (forcing 2 person game play)

    Start switch (loose can be paced anywhere in the room to turn pump on (lock it up, leave it out, game master access only… your choice)

    Green light indicator when bag is correct

Easy reset as all your gamemasters need to do is turn switch off and turn all levers to out position and liquid will drain out of bags.

Shipping crate will be 45” tall by 10” wide x 20” deep (2 pieces separated to keep shipping cost down. Will just need to screw together on site, the top to the bottom) Instructions included


Option 1 (as seen on video)

Just fill correct bags to full weight and connection is made. If wrong bags are filled then the game will not complete.

Made with hardware connection to complete a circuit, as seen on video

$2200 cdn plus shipping

6 IV blood bank machine - 2 person game

    Lockdown Design
    Operating since 2015.
    A Divison of Lockdown Escape Rooms Inc
    Red Deer Alberta, Canada
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