Press the buttons in a certain order and it will trigger any 12V device to open (ie, mag lock, light, etc). Comes with mag lock and power supply, ready to plug and play.
Does not come with black case. It comes with buttons ready. It required a 1 inch hole for buttons to mount to.
Casing additional 200.00 - options see below or email themed casing
This game has option to be made from 4 buttons to 20 buttons with upwords of 20 push combinations.
EMAIL - button design with preference with how many colors of buttons need to
see video
Button Game 4 - 20 buttons
Once order is received product will ship withing 5-10 days
With 48 hours of receiving item you must call to let us know there is a defect when received.
Process is:
1) Try and fix over phone with design team
2) Ship new part if needed.
3) Have returned and ship you new product